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Albânia imóveis Venda em Dhermi. Dhermi Elite Residence Venda

€ 61,100
1 cama | 47 sq m,en
  • clique na imagem para ampliar DSC_9513
  • clique na imagem para ampliar DSC_9418
  • clique na imagem para ampliar DSC_9546
  • clique na imagem para ampliar DSC_9557
  • clique na imagem para ampliar DSC_9596
  • clique na imagem para ampliar DSC_9582
  • clique na imagem para ampliar DSC_9640

Propriedade Detalhes:

Sobre este Propriedade:

Villas bonitas para venda em Dhermi. Bela vista do mar da costa da Albânia e muito perto da praia Albânia.

Principais Características da Propriedade Dhermi Venda:

  • Apartamento à venda em um novo complexo residencial com 13 multifamiliar estes apenas 30 metros da baía de Dhermi, Vlora, Albânia.
  • Each villa comprises of four apartments.
  • Dois 1 bedrooms apartment in the first floor and two duplex apartments in the second and third floor of the villa.
  • Apartments starting from 47 metros quadrados - 96 sqm with full sea view.
  • Private entrance with gate only for the residents, close to the main road of the village.
  • Justo 1 km from the old village Dhermi and the national road Vlora-Saranda.
  • This luxury complex provides many facilities as swimming pool, Mediterranean garden with citrus and olive trees, free outside parking for each of the apartments.
  • Administrated by a qualified staff it offers beautiful view of the virgin bay and fresh air of the mountain.
  • Most of the 5000 square meter plot has been landscaped and turned into a beautiful garden with stone paths running through it and stone and wood stairs have masterfully been built in most of the area of the garden offering different views and sun or shade according to someones moods.
  • This is certainly a unique and exclusive complex.

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