Das Eigentum ist in der Bucht Lalzi,im Norden von Durres, Albania.It geschlossen mit der Wohngegend,was bedeutet, dass Wasser und Strom sind leicht solvable.In seine beide Seiten mit privaten Eigenschaften begrenzt,in one of which is designed to build a touristic village with buildings such as villas and residences,which indicates the current high potential of development generally and tourism more specifically,which carries the territory where the property object of this information is located.
Property is situated along the coast to a length of 800m approximately.Asphalted road to the property. Lalezi Bay is one of the most attractive areas of the Albanian coastline, which lies along the Adriatic sea and more exactly from Rodon Cape to Bishti i Palles. Rodon Cape which lies along this area from the north is a natural masterpiece of 7,5 km towards the open sea.The beach of Lalezi Bay is sandy , Einige davon sind von Kiefern umgeben. Einige der herausragendsten Strände sind Shen Pjetri und Rrushkull,en,die für ihre saubere Bekanntheit bekannt sind,en,tief,en,Blaues Wasser,en,Land zum Verkauf in Lalzi Bay Albanien,en, which are well known for their clean, deep, blue waters.
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