Në lidhje me këtë Pronë:
Tirana Relax Rezidenca është një zhvillim i mbyllur Komuniteti, gjendet në pjesën jugore-lindore të Tiranës, në Komunën e Farkas, një nga zonat më të shpejtë në zhvillim në Termat e projekteve të banimit. Vendosur të përshtatshme dhe lehtësisht të arritshme, just 3.6 km nga qendra e Tiranes, this project encompasses 3 residential buildings. Gjithë projekti është rreth 3686 square meters. The facility is located on a natural hill, which gives the advantage to have a panoramic view over the city of Tirana, Dajti Mountain and Lake Farka.
Tirana Relax Key Features Residence:
- 10-15 mua nga qendra e Tiranës dhe 30 min from the national airport “Mother Teresa”
- 10 min by Farka Lake dam
- The facility consists of three buildings that will be surrounded by greenery all around it.
- Each building has underground parking.
- Environment around the buildings will be with a lot of green trees and relaxing atmosphere.
- Zona Zbavitje përfshirë fëmijët luajnë terren
- Out of 3686 m2 which is the surface of the property on which we build over 2200 m2 are green areas and other surfaces in the service of the community.
- The building has a lot of sun, from east to west, due to its orientation.
- Residence is situated in a very green and quiet area, away from the smog and noise of Tirana.
- Architecture and construction of the facility are among the most interesting and unique in the region and beyond.
- The stairs within the building have natural light.
- Most of the apartments have bathrooms with natural light.
- Ring of the Tirana will exceed 150-200 m from the facility, giving access to the road to Tirana, as well as maintaining the privacy of the area and the distance needed to avoid being bothered by traffic noise by major roads.
- Pagesat Kushtet janë në dispozicion
- Property values in this area are expected to increase by about 35%
Technical characteristics of Tirana Relax Residence:
- Residence facade will be insulated (bonnet system)
- Elevator in every building
- Facility will be double windows with aluminum bars.
- Wooden doors
- Armored main door on each apartment
- Dhoma gjumi, living rooms will be raised flooring (tiles optional)
- The bathrooms will have gres tiles.
Kliko më poshtë për të parë Virtual Tour për këtë pronë Tiranës:
http://samdardha.point2agent.com/Listing/VirtualTour.ashx?ListingID = 71662227